
Use of our well-equiped and modern kitchen is available to hirers of both the Main Hall and Meeting Room.
A large cooker with gas hobs and an oven is available for the re-heating of previously prepared cooked food, as well as two fridges, freezer, microwave and ample working space for preparing and storing cold snacks and refreshments.
Kettles, tea-pots and boilers/urns are available for making tea and coffee, and there is a large dual sink for cleaning up after your event.
There is a large serving hatch with shutter through to the Meeting Room, as well as a bar, the use of which can be arranged at the time of booking.
Have a look at the video below for a quick look around the kitchen in high definition!
Booking Information
How To Find Us
DIRECTIONS: from the B5256 (Blackburn to Leyland road), turn by the Cavendish Arms and St James’ Church into Water Street; the hall is 150 yards on the left, in the centre of the village. If you’re using your Sat Nav to get here, our post code is PR6 8NH.